Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Our Secret Paws from The Island Cats

Hello and Happy Wednesday! This year was the first time we participated in Secret Paws, and it was so much fun! Our Secret Paws were Zoey, Ernie, and Wally of The Island Cats, and they sent us a bunch of presents! Just wait till you see what we got. 

Look at all of our goodies! We couldn't decide what to play with first.  And Mommy got a beautiful pair of paw print earrings, Muddy Paws chair socks, and some yummy treats for her to eat. She loved them! 

Lexy couldn't stay out of the crinkle tunnel! 

P.S. There's a spelling error in this photo.  We're so embarrassed! 

And here's a little video of her with the Nip Nanner: 

Thank you, Zoey, Ernie and Wally for such great gifts.  And thank you to the Lady with the Yellow Hair from our Mom. 

We had such a good time participating in Secret Paws, and we can't wait until next year! 

Lola and Lexy

1 comment:

  1. You guys really lucked out, getting the Island Cats as Secret Paws partners!
