Friday, December 30, 2016

Our Secret Santa Lives in Canada!

I am a part of a group on Facebook called Cats With Blogs. I am a VERY special poodle to be accepted into this group. Considering I talk about Molly Mew and Dae Dae so much and share many photos, the cat bloggers decided I was fit to be in their group.
Trust me, it isn't easy to be accepted and especially when you are a DOG.
I had to promise not to chase them and they had to promise not to claw or bite me. We came together in unison and I have been thrilled. I have learned so much about cats and how they think.
This has to make me the WORLD's SMARTEST POODALE.
red and white wrapping paper on cat presents from Canada for santaPaws
Every year they have a gift exchange between them. Paula from Sweet Perfections, organizes it every year. Names are drawn and no one knows who their Santa Paws is until they get your package. This was the first time we have participated in this activity. I thought it would be fun to send gifts to a kitty or kitties that maybe I didn't know. Shopping for kitties is always fun. I think they have the best toys,treats, and food. Ma says I am not supposed to eat the food but if I don't get caught eating it, I stay out of trouble.
DaeDae and Molly Mew's name was given to Hairballs and Hissyfits. They live in CANADA! I couldn't wait to see what they got from Canada, neither could DaeDae. He went to town sniffing that package. I didn't think ma would ever open it. As happy as he was with the outside, I could only imagine the inside was even better. I can't describe the thrill that DaeDae had. Did you know this iDae Dae's FIRST CHRISTMAS?!!? A present with his name on it sent him over the top in excitement.
DaeDae the orange and white tabby sniffing catnip
I could tell you how happy Molly Mew was to get her presents but I won't. I will let you watch for yourself. Ma started the camera as soon as she got the package in the house. 
They were even nice enough to get Scooby and I a little something.
White standard poodle named Carma Poodale with WOOF toy.
Thank you HairBalls and HissyFits for including us in the festivities. 
Thank you, Paula for taking time to put together the Secret Santa activities. 
We have had a lot of fun with this and look forward to seeing what all my kitty friends get for Christmas. Their parents/humans/staff made them put them under the tree for the big day. 
Unfortunately with a 7-month-old kitten in the house, there could be no waiting. 

Merry Christmas 

from our family

to yours!


Thank you,Paula for hosting this event. I look forward to Secret Santa 2017!
Have you ever had a Secret Santa??
*Reposted from CarmaPoodale*


  1. How awesome that you got such nice gifts for all your family members!

  2. Aw...Happy New Year to you and enjoy all those fine gifts. Cats and Dogs can live in harmony if they just work out a few details. Enjoy your new friends and the New Year. xo
